Studio Branding

August 24, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Studio Branding Sessions

I've had the pleasure of photographing so many amazing business owners recently and helping them create brand photos they love for their websites and social media.  I thought it would be fun to create one large blog post sharing snippets from a few recent brand sessions.

Carrie - Owner of C2 Kids Agency


As the owner of a children's modeling agency and onset wrangler Carrie wanted to incorporate some of the colorful toys that come along with her to work every day.   I love how the photos came together with the pops of color and whimsy of the toys, like a modern day Mary Poppins.

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Mariana - Owner of Grazefull and Cured

Mariana took her passion for bringing people together with delicious, farm fresh food into an amazing charcuterie board business that is truly works of art!  We wanted to create beautiful photos that showcased multiple aspects of her business.  The details of her charcuterie boards, the creation process and the boards at a party.

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Janeissy - Owner of Rooted Cafe

Janeissy wanted her brand photos to show off her personality and interests not only to do with her cafe but also being a yoga instructor, her love of plants and good coffee.  I love how her interests combined in her studio session!  We also took some brand photos in Rooted Cafe to share the beautiful space that she has created on social media.

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We stepped out of the studio and into some amazing design and decorating stores in Atlanta for Element Form's brand session.  I loved their vision of clean neutral photos that also showcase their process of going out with clients to design a beautiful space.

Another fun aspect of their session is that Element Form is founded by a husband and wife team, allowing for some more fun couple photos of Andrew and Eliza. Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form Element FormElement Form


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